Time to sell the family home? How to help your parents downsize

There comes a time when it makes sense for your parents to leave the family home behind and find something more suitable to their needs. Whether they’re looking to move closer to friends and family, or they simply need a more accessible home they can enjoy for longer, it’s time to begin that new chapter in their lives.

However, moving home is a stressful and sometimes overwhelming experience, and we all need a little help to make sure it goes swimmingly. Here are some things you can do to make the move as easy as possible for your elderly parents.

Give your parents time

It won’t be easy for your parents to move house, especially if they’re moving for practical reasons – accessibility, for example – rather than because they want to leave. Your parents will need time to reflect on their decision, so be sensitive, and let them move at their own pace.

Talk to your parents

Talk through the moving process with your parents before they make any decisions. It will help them to work out what they need from their new home, and why they’re moving. Ensure your parents know that you’re there to support them, and you’re always ready to talk.

Help them get started

This is not always the case, but it may be that your parents don’t know where to look for a property nowadays, or how the conveyancing process works now. Be supportive and give them as much help as you can, including pointing them in the right direction of conveyancing specialists or property solicitors.

Get involved with the move

Help your parents pack away their belongings and prepare for the move. If there are any large spaces to clear out, such as an attic, make sure your parents don’t attempt this on their own. Help them to hire moving specialists, or get the family together and clear the rooms out for or with them.
Take property off their hands

If your parents are like most of us, they will have accumulated a lot of belongings over the years. Help them sort through what they do and do not want to keep.

Start early

It sounds obvious, but it’s important you encourage your parents to start preparing for the move as early as possible.

Ensure your parents are making the right decision

You don’t want your parents to have to move again in a few years if this property doesn’t work out for them. Ensure the new home will have access to local services such as shops and healthcare, and make sure it’s easily accessible.

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful for your parents, particularly if you follow these tips. For more information on how you can help or useful tips and tricks for seniors downsizing, download our free ebook.

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